11.1V 3000mAh LIPO Battery. This is a direct replacement battery for our Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter.
Approximate Run Time: 8-15 Minutes
Aproximate Charge Time: 4 Hours
- Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others
11.1V 5400mAh LIPO Battery.
Please note this battery will only fit the upgraded larger fusilage and landing skid. You will need to order FX4-039 and FX4-038 in order for this battery to fit and work properly.
Approximate Run Time: 10-20 Minutes
Aproximate Charge Time: 5 Hours
- Sky..
This is a high quality transmitter which will give you up to 1.5km range in an open, clear area. The unit is very easy to install with its plug n play prewired leads and also it has 32 channels in the 5.8G band.
A great little feature is that it has a built in digital display and a push button fo..
This is a high quality transmitter which will give you up to 2.5km range in an open, clear area. The unit is very easy to install with its plug n play prewired leads and also it has 32 channels in the 5.8G band.
A great little feature is that it has a built in digital display and a push button fo..
The Boscam Galaxy D2 has been specially designed for radio mounting and includes a built in ball style monitor support and tilt mechanism that clamps directly to the handle of most RC transmitters allowing for adjustment of the screen to suit your preferred viewing angle. A standard tri-pod mounting..
Give your FreeX Quadcopter some life with this great CNC Gimbal. It is made to fit GoPro Hero 3 and SJ4000 cameras. Why not buy our SJ4000-WIFI Camera to go with this great CNC Gimbal.
*Camera is not included.
- Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others
This is an upgrade fuselage to our FreeX Quadcopter. Are you looking to use our huge 5400mAh battery in your FreeX Quadcopter? You will need this larger base to support it.
- Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others
This is a replacement Landing Skid for our FreeX Quadcopter.
Please not this will not fit on the upgraded larger body. If you have the upgraded larger body, you will need to order the larger Landing Skid (FX4-038).
- Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others
This is a replacement Landing Skid for our upgraded larger FreeX Quadcopter fuselage base (FX4-039).
- Skyartec FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others
Replacement propellers for our FreeX Quadcopter.
Please note that this is for two propellers ( 1 Positive and 1 Inverse). So take a look at the color of the propeller cone. If you need two red, then you need to order two sets.
- FreeX Quadcopter
- May Fit Others